Sunday, December 9, 2012

two months.

I can't believe you are already two months old.  I was kind of nervous for you to get bigger because I absolutely love love love the newborn stage but I have to say I have loved every second of you growing.  This past month you have started to show so much personality!  You are smiling all the time in response to our reactions and talking and cooing.  Every time I see your sweet smile it just melts my heart.  It is the cutest thing I have ever seen.
I had to go back to work this month but it isn't too bad because I get to pick you up everyday at noon.  I am so glad I get to work from home in the afternoon - I don't think I could do it if I had to be away from you
We went to Florida this month for vacation.  First plane ride!  You got to meet even more of your family.  Everyone loves you.  We spent lots of time on the beach, went to an aquarium, went to a cousins wedding, and celebrated my birthday.  You of course made my birthday even more special. 
You are such a happy baby.  As long as you aren't hungry you are happy and content.  You love to be held.  You usually wake up just one time in the night.  One big accomplishment this month is how you recognize me and your dad!  When someone else is holding you will find me and just stare at me.
I so enjoy you and am so blessed to be your mamma. 

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